Bulika (Good morning)! Greetings from Ghana!!! I hope the following posts find you all well back in the Midwest (or wherever you may be)! I apologize in advance for their collective length, but internet and time have been hard to come by and there is just so much to share.
Ghana is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
After a 10 hour plane ride from JFK, I plunged into the bustling city of Accra. Taxis, motorbikes, and huge trucks fill the streets with acrid fumes. Street vends weave through the halted traffic, offering ground nuts, slices of papaya, chunks of sugarcane, bottles of “Voltic” water (our sole water source), water “sachets” (water in a plastic bag—not as regulated, so we don’t drink these), sticks of gum, cheap Chinese-manufactured toys and clothes. They carry all of these things in basins balanced on top of their heads!
In Accra, we spent our time attending meetings and taking taxi rides to and from the University of Ghana “Guest Chalets.” Our professors had contacts and friends at U of G, the American Embassy, the Ghana Health Service, and the Minerals Commission, and we discussed our research goals and hopes for collaboration with these Ghanaian schools and organizations. I felt so important meeting Deans and other Ghanaian officials, but I can’t lie—the meetings got a little long as we described our project and goals over and over.
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